Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Traveling with a grumpy old man & Advice when visiting London ;0)

So what if I said we would sleep in and not get up and greet Germany all early in the morning!  I am awake, ate breakfast, showered, dressed, make-up....and Mr. Grumpy is still in bed!  I may have woke him accidentally to let him know how amazing breakfast was in the cafe'.  To which he grumbled and went back to sleep.  Guess I will do a little blogging, and shopping, while waiting to see the cathedral.  We did manage to catch a huge break on the hotel room.  Will post photos later after Mr. Grumble pants wakes up and uploads them to the computer.  See that is why I brought him along, techno stuff, everyone needs a purpose!
Maybe one more piece of advice for the readers who wish to visit London: Do Not go into the book store on Queen's.  It is not what you think.  Details when I get home.  Thank you Jolie, make sure I punch you in the arm for that one ;)

1 comment:

  1. Don't leave us hangin'... the American public must know... enquiring minds want to know!
