A nice couple we met on our excursion in Zurich. They are from Florida and have been all around the world. They are the sweetest couple, we joined them for dinner down this quaint little street and enjoyed fondue!
Erin & Gina Nance.
This man is from Dubai and his charming wife (below), there came into the self serve laundry after Doug had went geocaching. So I was able in my crazy broken language to help them start their laundry. He is smiling because he put too much soap in the machine and it was running for 45 minutes. Then his wife had to restart it again to get the rest of the soap out of the clothes.
This is her pointing at his mistake, I told her in America he would be in the "doghouse" she said, "then he live in dog house always"! She was fun to listen to and talk with about their family and her job of teaching at an all boys school, where she retired after 20 years. Now she says they travel and enjoy life.
Two Chaps waiting for the train
This guy was the first one with a tattoo that we saw, he had big gauges as well
Adorable little one traveling with Mum & Dad
The look of most of the men tavellers by train.
She was enjoying driving the boat!
Sir Erin & Elise Marie, our friends we met on the boat, She is a Home Health Nurse and he is just plain FUNNY! I couldn't pronounce his name so I said I would call him "Sir" Which he loved, and insisted on, to his wives amusment. His name was Sven'erin at least that is how he spelled it. Anyway they were adorable!
Street performers. Sitting as it appears one is holding a stick the other is holding on to the other end of the stick. Nothing below them. Or so it seems? They were the only ones who earned a euro. The rest were kinda scary. Spray painted all one color or another, and had creepy old Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse costumes on. Doug, " I am sure if Disney saw them there would be a lawsuit." |
This interesting lady, was with normal dressed people. So I am guessing she has some type of place she is going later? Who knows.
This little guy and his Mom are from Shanghai, China. She struck up a conversation with us on the tour. Said, "I love your accent, I have taught him American English!", "We hope someday to go to US on vacation." We tried to get him to pse for a photo on the bus, he refused, so Mom tried from the street level, NOPE. His hat reads "Eat Well, Play Hard, Live Long."
This lady was on the bus tour too, thankfully it was a breezy day.
We will be updating this one as we go around. So check it often!